
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Random Thoughts

1. Sometimes all you need to feel better, is a cup of coffee.

2. Small fishes kissed my feet when I put them into the pond

3. Cleaning the whole house is a good way of spending time productively, reduces frustration too..

4. Washing dishes helps you keep your nails clean.

5. Sometimes you're prejudiced about some people.. If you try spending time with them you might feel about them differently.

6. A whole day without internet is not as bad at I thought it was..

7. Crystal glasses look good in showcases (only if they're regularly cleaned)..

8. Safety Pins are a wonderful invention >> I searched wikipedia to know more
 (The origin of the safety pin dates back to the Mycenaeans during the 14th century BC (Late Mycenaean III era). They are known as fibulae (singular fibula) and were used in the same manner as modern day safety pins. In fact, the very first fibulae of the 14th and 13th centuries B.C. looked remarkably like the safety pin. The origin of the fibulae is detailed in Chr. Blinkenberg's 1926 book Fibules grecques et orientales.

The safety pin was reinvented by American inventor Walter Hunt, and patented in April, 1849. The rights to the invention were sold for $400.)

9. The peachish-colored fruit on top of a cashew nut tastes very funny. 

10. You should be careful while sweeping staircases..  There are high chances of slipping and breaking bones.

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