
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mortalitas incomitata..

And i try..
To hold the pieces together,
and not cry.. For i know,
if i were to let go ..
There will be a void..
But i..
So feelinglessly hold it tied.. Its a lie..
I have nomore to say..
Im mortal.. Im alone..

Monday, November 23, 2009


For i know yet I need to live on,
Though what i am, matters not.. I exist.. Not the way i want to.. But the way of the world.. I'm contained within,
Yet outward ..I spread out.. Where i am shadows form.. And where i'm not.. Light remains..

Sunday, November 22, 2009


My space..


When threatened to still suffer existence.. The pain endured is lesser than any physical injury.. And hurting oneself heightens that sense of ecstasy that comes from understanding that beyond all this is probably a world where you can feel no more..

Monday, November 9, 2009


And pensively i lay.. looking into endlessness...
my thoughts, my self, all at war within
I softly smiled.. insane i felt..
For inside my head i could feel my mind writhe..
For every time i smiled..
I heard my mind mock me..
for putting up a show..
for defying...
for pretending..
for denying..
but relentlessly smiling.. with no meaning..

I laughed at myself.. for reaching this point..
my own foolishness, my own mistakes..
but perhaps it would mount up soon..
to reach a level where it would hurt no more..


Sunday, November 1, 2009

I must be a really bad person .. and someone with a lot of time on me too... to put this up here , but i visited the Deccan Chronicle site and found the date wrong on the article, left a comment (which had to be approved by the moderator).. with no effect even till  late in the night..  Circled in read..